We distribute the collected donations according to the partners’ needs and ensure that the donated money has the greatest possible positive impact on Estonian society.

Our partners, with whom we help to improve life in Estonia:

What will my donation do?

Principles of distribution of donations

We choose our partners carefully. We prefer smaller organizations that cannot contribute much to fundraising themselves due to lack of resources. The partners’ activities could be aimed at solving problems across Estonia and with the greatest possible impact in their field of activity.

We decide the size of the support before each payment according to the needs of the organization and our ability.

After the grant is paid out, we expect feedback from the beneficiary about the use of the money, in order to give the most accurate overview possible to our good donors.

Pesaleidja MTÜ: 5000 euros
Eesti Loomakaitse Selts: 5000 euros
Doktor Kloun MTÜ: 2750 euros
Do Good MTÜ: 8000 euros
Minu Unistuste Päev SA: 6500 euros
Lahendus.net MTÜ: 6016.44 euros
Karolini Kool: 5000 euros
Naiste Tugi- ja Teabekeskus MTÜ: 10000 euros the grant helped provide psychological counseling and psychotherapy support for children. In the last third of 2022, children received 330 hours of help from a professional therapist.
Doktor Kloun: 4,500 euros was a support for people who want to participate as a volunteer in the mission of hospital clowns. Scholarships are always created for independent self-development and an opportunity to improve oneself or to support the desire to persist in the difficult task of supporting and treating sick and traumatized children.
Do Good: For 10,000 euros, sleeping items were purchased for families in difficulty. Dozens of mattresses, bed sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases, mattress covers and bedding sets were purchased for the donation. Families of adults and children with special needs receive help, in cooperation with local governments. Unbelievably many families have very, very bad sleeping conditions!
Eesti Lasterikaste Perede Liit: 10,000 euros. The donation helped bring joy to 94 children of a large family in the form of compensating the monthly fee of the club. Children from 14 counties across Estonia received support to participate in a wide variety of interest schools. In addition, with our support, a family day was held in Lotte County, where 1,300 members of families with children participated.
Laste ja Noorte Kriisiprogramm: 9000 euros. The support was used as co-financing for trauma therapy EMDR online trainings aimed at mental health professionals who know how to counsel children in grief and for conducting psychologically educational grief and trauma-focused support groups for families with children who have lost a loved one.
Minu Unistuste Päev: A grant of 9,500 euros helped to carry out dream days for chronically ill children, a common summer day for the families of the children of the foundation was held, and a cooperation day for the team to promote mental health.
Lahendus.net: The grant of 8,975 euros went to the mentoring and training costs of the counselors who provide psychological help, so that those in need can receive the most professional counseling possible.
Junior Achievement Eesti: 5000 euros. Thanks to the donation, part 7 “Our World” of the entrepreneurship, financial wisdom and work skills educational program “7 steps” for grades I-II was completed, which is suitable for use in grades 6-7. in the classroom and where the main focus is on international trade and multiculturalism, fair trade, sustainable and green management, as well as the importance of learning and STEM knowledge in today’s world. “Our World” summarizes what has been learned in the previous sections and develops knowledge of the world.
Elumuutvad Abistajad MTÜ: A donation of 5,000 euros helped to cover the essential expenses of families in difficulty to improve their living conditions, to pay for the child’s hobby, food aid and to purchase a printer-copier for the school for children with special needs.
Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond: With the contribution of 10,000 euros, a world-class maternity bed, Famed Freya, was purchased for the maternity department of Viljandi Hospital.
Karolini Kool: A donation of 10,000 euros went to a school for children with special needs. It was necessary to install essential additional railings (vertical steel toes, from the stair to the ceiling) on the main staircase of the school building, which winds through three floors. Now the children of Karolini Kool can move safely and securely on the stairs every day.
Tagasi Kooli – Tuleviku Tegijad: 3000 euros the grant was used to carry out information activities on work shadow days, so that it would be easy for our children to find their profession, their future path. Future Makers organize job shadowing days to introduce children to different professions.
MTÜ Cats Help: 4,500 euros helped the shelter to cover the current costs related to the care of the animals.
MTÜ Saaremaa Lemmikloomade Turvakodu: For 3,750 euros, medical bills for sick animals were paid and medicines were purchased.
Doktor Kloun: 5000 euros.
Doctor Clowns need training to maintain professional skills, knowledge and positivity when interacting with tiny patients. We helped pay for training costs and doctoral scholarships and other necessary expenses.
Do Good: 10000 euros.
We were able to help 54 families in difficulty. It is especially heartwarming that more than 170 members of these families are now sleeping between clean and new sheets, with soft blankets – pillows and on comfortable mattresses and beds that they did not have before. The sleeping conditions of an incredible number of families are very, very bad.
Families with children could have fun and gather new knowledge and memorable experiences at the annual big family day at the Tallinn Zoo. Part of the grant went to cover the emergency costs of the Union Support Unit.
The children’s grief support program includes both camps and individual therapies. Despite Covid, Children’s Crisis was able to organize a camp in the spring and offer individual support to many children.
We supported the foundation’s children’s dream days, family day and volunteer appreciation event. Also, Jutud Eevaga was followed by a nice video series.
Lahendus.net: 12838.50 euros
We supported the mentors of the solvers so that those in need could receive the most professional advice possible. With our help, a team day was held and support was offered to the Ukrainians.
Our donation went towards the costs of the Estonian Best Student Company 2022 competition.
The grant amount was divided among many problems that needed to be solved.
It was a great pleasure to replace the 20-year-old ultrasound machine of Hiiumaa Hospital with a new one.
Naerata Ometi MTÜ 8380 euros.
Thanks to the support, we were able to help five Estonian people living in very difficult conditions. Naerata Yeti did repairs, bought furniture and household appliances and paid dental bills.
We helped pay for dental care for people in need.
Loomakaitse Selts 5000 euros.
We pay the medical bills and food expenses of neglected animals.
Pesaleidja MTÜ 5000 euros.
The rooms and furnishings of the cat room got a new look with our help. Now the kitties have a cozy room to wait for their new home.
Doktor Kloun: 10000 euros
Do Good: 10000 euros
Lahendus.net: 6000 euros
Vaegkuuljate Liit: 5000 euros
  • Lahendus.net

The grant went to thank the active advisers. There were currently 32 active volunteer advisors. In 2021, the number of new correspondence increased by approx. 10%. These were mostly serious cases. Solvers are the link to whom counseling centers and hospitals refer their patients for support to alleviate the worsening of problems while on the waiting list. Counselors offering psychological counseling need appropriate preparation and guidance.

  • Minu Unistuste Päev

To make the time of sick children pass faster, the Dream Day elves brought surprises to the children in the hospitals. All these children are reached thanks to the wonderful doctors who also deserve recognition. Eeva Savolainen from Võlumaa Children’s Theater reads great stories to children and makes crafts – it is recorded in videos so that children can watch and listen to them again and again. And not even the month of Christmas can pass without a day of dreams. With this support, we helped Ann’s dreams come true. https://minuunistustepaev.ee/unis…/anni-unistuste-paev/…

  • Eesti Vaegkuuljate Liit

Thanks to the hearing bus, the Estonian Hearing Impaired Association can reach every place in Estonia in order to improve people’s hearing health. Additional support is very much needed to reach smaller places and to visit day care centers and nursing homes, where people cannot see a doctor themselves.

  • Naiste Tugi- ja Teabekeskus MTÜ

With the grant, the center will continue to pay for women’s legal aid (offering legal advice to survivors and representing them in court if necessary). On average, the total cost of lawyers in one month is 2,813 euros, and counseling is offered for about 45-70 hours per month. The Aitan Eestit grant covers 80% of the monthly costs for the next 6 months, in the amount of 13,502.- euros.

  • Do Good MTÜ

Information about those in need of help reaches Do Good through employees of social units, child protection and the disabled people’s house. More and more, the need for essentials is heard through the wishes for a Christmas gift, for example, a child needs a warm jacket and winter boots, or a mother says that the biggest wish is to eat well. The NGO decided that they would look for real shoes for the children and the desired shoes – they would provide the clothes separately. They also set families’ Christmas tables by using a food courier or putting a grocery store gift card in the families’ gift bag.

  • Laste ja Noorte Kriisiprogramm MTÜ

With the help of the grant, the NGO will be able to pilot the Tasasaalukamam parent group work model in Estonia in the following years, which is intended for mothers and fathers who have experienced neglect or abuse by the people who care for them in their childhood. In order to carry out the necessary trainings, the NGO received financial assistance within the framework of the Ministry of Social Affairs’ strategic partnership project, but 20% of the project’s own financing, i.e. 4000 EUR, was missing, with which we supported them.

  • Elumuutvad abistajad MTÜ helps those who face difficulties in life that they cannot overcome by themselves or with the help of friends and acquaintances. Be it everyday essential expenses or help with legal advice.
With 10,000 euros, we supported:
With 5,000 euros, we supported:

Together with our good partners, we helped Estonia with donations in a very different way:

  • Lahendus.net

During the current pandemic, people’s mental health needs more and more attention. Both school children and adults need help. Counselors offering psychological counseling need appropriate training and guidance. That’s what the donation was used for.

  • Minu Unistuste Päev

The donation supported:

– Organization of 3 children’s dream day (period Sept-Nov 2021) + hot air balloon flight, which was part of the fourth child’s dream day.

– Holding an autumn family day for the children of the foundation’s target group and their families (Oct-Nov 2021).

– Acquisition of activity tools for hospitals: craft kits, painting kits, activity books “The Best Pastime II”.

– Organization of volunteer team event Strategy Day with Eva-Maria Kangro.

  • Loomakaitse Selts

Thanks to the support, many neglected cats, rabbits and chinchillas received help. They underwent the necessary procedures: vaccination, treatment of stomach and intestinal inflammation, chipping, tooth extraction, treatment of pododermatitis, castration, sterilization. A normal health check was enough for some of them, but several animals also needed emergency help.

  • Estonian Red Cross

With the help of the grant, EPR can conduct first aid training for the teachers of Tallinna Heleni School, Tartu Hiie School and Narva Paju School, who will pass on first aid skills to hearing-impaired children and young people in sign language. Teaching aids and resuscitation equipment were also purchased for these schools.

  • Naiste Tugi- ja Teabekeskus MTÜ

The grant went to cover the costs of the center’s legal advice for women. A total of 487 hours of legal counseling for women victims of violence have been offered from January to September 2021.

About a third of this cost is covered by the state budget, but for the rest, the support center is largely dependent on the help of good people.

  • Eestimaa Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond

Information coming soon. 😉

  • Naeratuse Eest SA

The charity fund Naeratus Eest SA directed the donation directly to the dental care of those in need.

– Dental treatment of an auxiliary worker working with children in a hospital, https://naeratuseeest.ee/2021/08/lopulejoudnud-hambaravi-roomustav-edulugu/

– Maie’s dental treatment, https://naeratuseeest.ee/2020/08/heategevusfond-naeratuse-eest-sa-kogub-annetusi-62-aastase-maie-hambaraviks/, May-October 2021, continues.

– Dental treatment, a long process, https://naeratuseeest.ee/2018/02/lihtsad-uusaastasoovid/, september 2021, continues.

  • Naerata Ometi MTÜ

The grant received was used to help many people:

– The NGO continued with the hair transplant operations of the young woman https://naerataometi.ee/aktiivsed-projektid/toetame-noort-naist-juustesiirdamise-operatsiooniga/

– household items, clothes and other necessary items were purchased for families all over Estonia

– helped 40+ year old Marget with IVF procedures https://naerataometi.ee/ended-project/aitame-40-aastast-marget-kehavalise-viljastamise-protseduuridega/

– The home of a disabled pensioner’s family was repaired: https://naerataometi.ee/aktiivsed-projektid/abistame-liikumispuudega-pensionari/

  • Junior Achievement Eesti

The support went from 1 to 6. for the development and release of new parts of the entrepreneurship and financial wisdom educational material “7 steps” aimed at the class. The “7 steps” program fosters an entrepreneurial lifestyle, creativity, critical thinking, understanding of business and how society works, the ability to handle money and make smart decisions in children.

  • Do Good MTÜ

– Helped a family where a mother suffering from multiple sclerosis is raising 2 children. Both children also have their own illnesses and peculiarities. One of the children needed a bed that is suitable for a sick back, the other child got his first real bed in his life. In addition, the family received new bed linen and blankets – pillows suitable for allergy sufferers.

– Help was received with the daughter of a single mother, who reached the NGO in cooperation with the Chamber of People with Disabilities. In addition to health problems, there are big social problems in the family and difficulties in coping. The family got a new sofa, bed linen and blankets – pillows.

– School supplies – since a lot of families turned to the NGO in August with a request to help buy school supplies, it was decided to receive families exceptionally this year, and with our help, the children of 6 families received the necessary school supplies. In addition, autumn clothes and school shoes were purchased for two families and a school desk and chair for one child.

– A mother raising 4 daughters alone got new bed linens and blankets – pillows for her family with our help. In addition, a freezer was provided for a family living near Haapsalu.

– A proper spring mattress was provided for the parents of a big family in Tallinn. The site of the existing one was in a landfill.

– In addition to greater assistance and cooperation with social workers, several families were helped with the purchase of various necessary items, mainly blankets, pillows, bed linen, carpets, etc.

  • Eesti Lasterikaste Perede Liit MTÜ

2021 the donation helped bring joy to 194 children in the form of compensating a partial monthly fee for their hobby. Children from 13 counties across Estonia received support to participate in a wide variety of interest schools: 77 – sports, 75 – music, 20 – art, 12 – dance, 4 – nature and science, 6 – other

  • Laste ja Noorte Kriisiprogramm MTÜ

With the help of the grant, the NGO was able to conduct a summer camp supporting children’s bereavement from August 11 to August 18, 2021, and hold a nice alumni day on September 4, 2021. Donations helped cover accommodation, catering and other organizational costs.

All partners received 10,000 euros in the first round and gave us an exact overview of what they could do with this money:
  • Naise Tugi- ja Teabekeskus MTÜ

The grant was used to cover legal counseling for survivors. About a third of this cost is covered by the state budget, but the rest is largely supported by the help of good people. Last year, the support center offered survivors 795 hours of legal advice. 10,000 euros guarantees approx. 185 hours of legal counseling

  • Eestimaa Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond

Eestimaa Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond used the donation to buy necessary innovative equipment for maternity wards across Estonia. The fund also paid for the employees training. In 2021 they put more attention to mental health-related training in order to support frontline medical personnel.

  • Doktor Kloun MTÜ

Unfortunately, Doctor Clowns could not go to hospitals to cheer up little patients due to corona restrictions. Due to the circumstances, a way was found to raise the mood of the children, when contacts and visits were prohibited. Namely, the Dr. Klounis used to wave at children under the windows of the Tallinn Children’s Hospital and otherwise fool around. This approach was very well received by the hospital and the departments were informed by the hospital’s communication manager, again so that the children could reach the windows. These meetings under the windows of the children’s hospital have been very moving, both for the children, their parents, the medical staff and Dr. Klouns themselves.

In Tartu, we looked for an alternative and found a way to send short video clips of Dr. Clowns to children, which can be viewed only by using a QR code, we distributed information and posters to reach it through the nurses of the departments.

Doctor Clowns were still in full swing “despite” the corona. The income collected with the support of donors was used to support the activities of Dr. Clowns.

  • Naeratuse Eest SA

The charity fund Naeratus Eest SA directed the donation directly to the dental care of those in need.

The corona crisis situation has further worsened the situation of people with lower incomes. Several people who asked SA for help have lost their jobs. The number of submitted applications shows an increase.

Several people could be helped with 10,000 euros, and it gave an opportunity to better plan the treatment of people’s teeth and help them get treatment faster.

  • Naerata Ometi MTÜ

The grant received was divided to support several projects.

– Helped a young woman with a hair transplant operation – Liina (name changed) is a young woman with 80% loss of working capacity. His problem started when he was 8 months old. Namely, she suffered a trauma due to a fire accident, as a result of which her hair was damaged. Now Liina’s biggest dream is to get her hair so that she can live a full life. More information:


– A disabled pensioner was helped to restore the household situation


– Helped to restore a house damaged in a fire


In addition, part of the money was left in reserve to cover the unforeseen expenses arising from new projects that need to be covered quickly.

  • Junior Achievement Eesti

The support was spent from 1.-6. in the development work of the entrepreneurship and financial wisdom educational material “7 steps” aimed at the class. The “7 steps” program fosters an entrepreneurial lifestyle, creativity, critical thinking, understanding of business and how society works, the ability to handle money and make smart decisions in children. The material will be ready for the new academic year starting in 2021.

  • Do Good MTÜ

The NGO primarily used the support to purchase high-quality sleeping places and household appliances for families. Do Good has seen many families where the mother of the family sleeps in a cramped apartment on a worn out sofa or the children do not have proper beds and mattresses. There are also many families that lack proper household appliances, be it a basic washing machine or a proper refrigerator and vacuum cleaner. Large families and single parents are helped a lot by proper household appliances, facilitating their daily life to a significant extent. There is also often a lack of outdoor clothes for older children. With the help of the grant, the NGO reached a large number of people in need of help with the mentioned disadvantages.

  • Eesti Lasterikaste Perede Liit MTÜ

The board of the NGO decided to use the donation to support the hobbies of children from families with children. Together with good donors, it was possible to spot, keep and support children and young people who will keep, create and move forward our Estonia in the future. We would like to thank all the kind donors whose contributions – big or small – together have had a great power.

  • Laste ja Noorte Kriisiprogramm MTÜ

Help the child find joy! With the grant, the Children and Youth Crisis Program was able to continue with the activities of the grief support program aimed at children and young people who have lost a loved one (individually, in a group, in a camp program).

An 8-year-old boy has said (text unchanged): “Liked all the food and stuff!”