Together we will make Estonia better for everyone!
I will help answer the questions that have arisen.
Kaja Kõiv
We collect donations by communicating directly with people. You can meet our young people collecting donations in shopping centers or at your place of residence. Smile and be friendly! 🙂 They make you feel good.
How to recognize our young people? Students always have a name tag and lanyard with our design. Donation collectors will certainly not ask for your bank details or passwords, but you can confirm the standing order yourself in the internet bank.
Fundraisers only collect regular donations, not cash. You can make a permanent donation via the website of Aitan Eestit MTÜ.
Donations are collected by our representatives
By donating, you show that you care. You do good and it makes your heart happy.
Your donation will solve an important problem somewhere.
Would you like to know more about I Help Estonia NPO?
Find a specific question and click on it.
Why was I Help Estonia created and who did it?
The idea has been circulating in the minds of different people for years. There are dozens and dozens of active non-profit organizations and foundations in Estonia that are very good at distributing funds and supporting those in need, but whose main focus is not and should not be finding money. Creating an internal fundraising system is difficult and costly. At the same time, donors find it difficult and cumbersome to support dozens of different associations. This is how the idea came to bring together those who need donations and donors through active sales. Southwestern Advantage students were ready to contribute. The idea was taken up by Andres Märtin and Janar Saviir, who are the founders of I Help Estonia.
How do we gather money?
We are a new kind of charity non-profit organization in Estonia!
Since many of our founders and donor collectors have gained experience and lessons in the United States, we decided to take their best ideas and make them Estonian!
We actively raise money. This means that instead of individual collection boxes and ads pasted on buses, we dare to talk directly to people!
Where will my money ACTUALLY go?
We donate money to partner organizations to implement specific activities based on need. Of course, we also share with donors the exact information for which purpose and to what extent their donations were spent. You can get the fastest information by following our fb page or the news section. If you have shared your e-mail with us, we will also send an overview in the newsletter.
The expenses of Aitan Eestit NGO are minimal. The members of the board work on a voluntary basis and without payment. We have one employee in the home office. The monthly costs are only website maintenance and media costs.
Young people who collect donations invest a lot of their time in communicating with regular donors and have acquired professional skills for this. For helping, they receive a one-time fee, the size of which is determined by the size of the donation.
Why does I Help Estonia need funding?
We find that the world does not get better because of good intentions, but through good deeds. We want to operate sustainably and be a reliable partner for both permanent donors and target organizations. This presumes that we can cover our operating costs without external assistance.
What are our costs?
1 – People who provide us with a fundraising service (mostly young students) by investing a lot of time and skills, are compensated for it – you need to earn a little to live.
2 – non-profit organization costs (administrative and accounting costs, media costs, etc.).
Who gains the most?
We believe that for our partners, 80% support out of 100,000 euros raised, is more useful than 100% out of 10 euros! All the more so because before cooperating with us, they received 0 € donations.
We believe that working young people are satisfied if they can combine serving and bringing real change to the lives of those in need in Estonia.
We believe that Estonians are happy if constantly giving a small amount will help many.
If you want 100% of the money to reach organizations and you are ready to invest your time, contact us! We offer you the opportunity to collect donations and direct 100% of your donations to charity!
How often and on what conditions is money paid to the organizations?
We pay out money to partner organizations 3 – 4 times a year. Check out the list of target organizations here (
Can I donate from my company account?
As getting on the list of companies with income tax benefits ( requires at least 6 months of operation, in the start-up phase (in 2020) we will cannot offer income tax benefits to our donors and therefore it is not currently reasonable to donate from the company account (a special incentive tax is added to this). We plan on making it to the list of companies with income tax benefits by the beginning of 2021, and then both companies and individuals will have income tax benefits. You can read more about taxation here (
Do I get an income tax benefit if I donate as a private individual?
As being on the list of companies with income tax benefits ( requires at least 6 months of operation, we will unfortunately not be able to offer income tax benefits to our donors in the start-up phase (in 2020). We plan on making it to the list of companies with income tax benefits by the beginning of 2021, and then both companies and individuals will have income tax benefits. You can read more about taxation here (
Are the activities of I Help Estonia transparent?
Yes, we always publish information and annual reports on the website.
How did the caller get my number and is it legal?
Our callers use personal contacts and donor recommendations to collect donations. Aitan Eestit NGO does not manage callers’ database or any other personal data, except for a single system we have set up of non-personalized telephone numbers to be called to prevent people from making repeated calls in a short period of time. Aitan Eestit NGO monitors the personal data protection requirements set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council. For more information on the collection and processing of personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.