Eestimaa Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond

Who we are and what we do?

Eesti Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond helps start a new life!

We are loving, caring, and dedicated.

We want every family to feel as good in the hospital as at home..

We are part of a community.

We create various cooperation projects where everyone can contribute with us and feel like a valuable member of the community.

We are honest and open.

By keeping our activities transparent, we can guarantee that every donation goes to the right place.

We offer a sense of security.

Through innovative technology, and friendly and dedicated staff.

Eesti sünnitusmajade toetusfond


Eestimaa Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond (formerly Pelgulinna Sünnitusmaja Toetusfond SA) was established in 2000. The mission of the foundation is to contribute with the help of good supporters into the beginning of life to make sure that it is supported by a modern environment and different aids in the form of smart devices, in addition to the love of parents, professional doctors, and caring midwives.

Eestimaa Sünnitusmajade Toetusfond supports maternity wards across Estonia in acquiring the necessary innovative equipment and providing innovative and much-needed training for staff. Investments are also made in various appropriate support activities that contribute to the development of the field.

Our goal is to create a network of maternity hospitals covering the whole of Estonia, where it is possible to feel equally safe everywhere. In this way, we can offer mothers the confidence to come to their local maternity hospital, which has exactly the same high level of technical and staff skills as elsewhere.